Problem Set 2 (Caesar) Cipher Program
Program to cipher text inputted at the command line along with a cipher key. Multiple filters are used to make sure the user enters the correct information.
* File Name: caesar.c
* Programer: Julio Ornelas
* Date: 2022/12/28
* Description of program
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//function prototypes
bool only_digits(string isNumber);
string textCipher(string textToCipher, int keyToCipherText);
int main(int argc, string argv[]) //command line arguments argc = agument count and argv = argument vector (array of strings)
string userText; //Variable that will store text inputed by user at prompt
int cipherKey; //Variable that will store the cipher key inputed at the command line
//get user input, calculation and output
if (argc != 2) //if argument count is not equal to 2 quit program and return to command line, instructions are given
printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
return 1;
//continue with program
if (only_digits(argv[1]) == false)
printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n"); //if user does not input only numbers as second argument quit program and return to command line, instructions are given again
return 1;
//continue with program
cipherKey = atoi(argv[1]);//cast string as integer
userText = get_string("plaintext: "); //request text input from user
textCipher(userText, cipherKey);//function to cipher text and output result
}//int main(int argc, string argv[])
//Function takes in a string and returns true if the string is a number and false if it not a number
bool only_digits(string isNumber)
int userKeyCount;
userKeyCount = strlen(isNumber);
for (int i = 0; i < userKeyCount; i++)
if (isNumber[i] < 48 || isNumber[i] > 57)
return false;
return true;
}//bool only_digits(string isNumber)
//This function takes two parameters a string to be cipher and a integer to be used as a key to cipher the text
string textCipher(string textToCipher, int keyToCipherText)
string userText; //Variable that will store the text to be cipher
int cipherKey; //Varialbe the will hold the Key to be use to cipher the user text
int value; //ASCII value of each character looped from userText
int characterLength; //How long a string is
const int GET_CHAR_VALUE_TO_ZERO_LOWER = 97; //distance from 0 to a specific character (Lower case letter) in a ASCII table
const int GET_CHAR_VALUE_TO_ZERO_UPPER = 65; //distance from 0 to a specific character (Upper case letter) in a ASCII table
//user input
userText = textToCipher;
cipherKey = keyToCipherText;
characterLength = strlen(userText);
cipherKey = cipherKey % 26;
//calculation and output
printf("ciphertext: ");
for (int i = 0; i < characterLength; i++)
if (userText[i] >= 65 && userText[i] <= 90) //boundaries of uppercase caracters in a ASCII table
value = userText[i] - 65;
value = (value + cipherKey) % 26;
value = value + 65;
printf("%c", value);
else if (userText[i] >= 97 && userText[i] <= 122) //boundaries of lowercase caracters in a ASCII table
value = userText[i] - 97;
value = (value + cipherKey) % 26;
value = value + 97;
printf("%c", value);
//every other character in the ASCII table
printf("%c", userText[i]);
}//for (int i = 0; i < characterLength; i++)
return 0;
}//string textCipher(string textToCipher, int keyToCipherText)