Problem Set 1 (mario-less, mario-more, cash, credit)
Mario less
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
* File Name: mario.c
* Programer: Julio C Ornelas
* Program that creates a pyramid in C using # symbols
* pyramid has to be between 1 and 8 in size
* if user enters a number less than 1 or greater than 8 the
* program will keep asking the user for a valid numer.
int main(void)
string hash = "#";
string space = " ";
int counter = 0;
int userNum = 0;
int numberOfSpaces = 0;
int numberOfHash = 0;
//get user input
userNum = get_int("Height: ");
while (userNum < 1 || userNum > 8);
numberOfSpaces = userNum;
numberOfHash = 1;
while (counter < userNum)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSpaces; i++)
printf("%s", space);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHash; i++)
printf("%s", hash);
}//while (counter < userNum)
Mario more
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
* File Name: mario.c
* Programer: Julio C Ornelas
* Program that creates a pyramid in C using # symbols
* pyramid has to be between 1 and 8 in size
* if user enters a number less than 1 or greater than 8 the
* program will keep asking the user for a valid number
* then the program skips 2 spaces and starts building a new
* pyramid in the oposite direction
int main(void)
string hash = "#";
string space = " ";
int counter = 0;
int userNum = 0;
int numberOfSpaces = 0;
int numberOfHash = 0;
const int numberOfSpacesInBetween = 2;
//get user input
userNum = get_int("Height: ");
while (userNum < 1 || userNum > 8);
numberOfSpaces = userNum;
numberOfHash = 1;
while (counter < userNum)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSpaces; i++) //this loop prints the spaces before the pyramid
printf("%s", space);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHash; i++) //this loop prints the # symbol **Left part or steps**
printf("%s", hash);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSpacesInBetween; i++) //this loop prints the spaces in between the two pyramids
printf("%s", space);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHash; i++) //this loop prints the # symbols from the oposite side **right part or steps**
printf("%s", hash);
numberOfHash++; //increase the number of steps for the nest level from the top down
}//while (counter < userNum)
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* File Name: cash.c
* Programer: Julio C Ornelas
int get_cents(void);
int calculate_quarters(int cents);
int calculate_dimes(int cents);
int calculate_nickels(int cents);
int calculate_pennies(int cents);
int main(void)
// Ask how many cents the customer is owed
int cents = get_cents();
// Calculate the number of quarters to give the customer
int quarters = calculate_quarters(cents);
cents = cents - quarters * 25;
// Calculate the number of dimes to give the customer
int dimes = calculate_dimes(cents);
cents = cents - dimes * 10;
// Calculate the number of nickels to give the customer
int nickels = calculate_nickels(cents);
cents = cents - nickels * 5;
// Calculate the number of pennies to give the customer
int pennies = calculate_pennies(cents);
cents = cents - pennies * 1;
// Sum coins
int coins = quarters + dimes + nickels + pennies;
// Print total number of coins to give the customer
printf("%i\n", coins);
//printf("%i\n", cents);
int get_cents(void)
int userInput = 0;
userInput = get_int("Change owed: ");
while (userInput < 0);
return userInput;
int calculate_quarters(int cents)
int totalQuarters = cents / 25;
return totalQuarters;
int calculate_dimes(int cents)
int totalDimes = cents / 10;
return totalDimes;
int calculate_nickels(int cents)
int totalNickels = cents / 5;
return totalNickels;
int calculate_pennies(int cents)
int totalPennies = cents / 1;
return totalPennies;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
* File Name: credit.c
* Programer: Julio C Ornelas
int main(void)
long userCard = 0;
string output = "";
int counter = 0;
int firstDigit = 0;
int secondDigit = 0;
int firstNumberSum = 0;
int secondNumberSum = 0;
int secondDigitTimesTwo = 0;
int validationSum = 0;
long cardNumber = 0;
//get user input
userCard = get_long("Number: ");
while (userCard <= 0);
cardNumber = userCard;
while (userCard > 1)
firstDigit = userCard % 10;
//printf("__%i", firstDigit); // Validation this line is use to check that the correct information is calculated *Can delete*
userCard = userCard / 10;
firstNumberSum = firstNumberSum + firstDigit;
secondDigit = userCard % 10;
//printf("_%i", secondDigit); //Validation this line is use to check that the correct information is calculated *Can delete*
userCard = userCard / 10;
secondDigitTimesTwo = secondDigit * 2;
if (secondDigitTimesTwo >= 10)
secondDigitTimesTwo = (secondDigitTimesTwo % 10) + 1;
//printf("---%i\n", secondDigitTimesTwo); //Validation this line is use to check that the correct information is calculated *Can delete*
secondNumberSum = secondNumberSum + secondDigitTimesTwo;
validationSum = firstNumberSum + secondNumberSum;
if (validationSum % 10 == 0)
if (cardNumber >= 300000000000000 && cardNumber < 390000000000000)
output = "AMEX";
else if (cardNumber >= 5100000000000000 && cardNumber <= 5900000000000000)
output = "MASTERCARD";
output = "VISA";
output = "INVALID";
if (counter == 13 || counter == 15 || counter == 16 || counter == 14)
printf("%s\n", output);
//printf("second digit sum: %i\n", secondNumberSum); //used to check the result
//printf("first digit sum: %i\n", firstNumberSum); //used to check the result
//printf("%i",validationSum); //used to check the result
//printf("%i", counter);
output = "INVALID";
printf("%s\n", output);
//printf("%i",validationSum);//used to check the result
//printf("%i", counter);